Author: admin_NjNhYjd

  • Save the trees, prevent the sneeze

    Save the trees, prevent the sneeze

    When I worked at Greenpeace for five years before I attended medical school, a popular slogan was, “Think globally, act locally.” As I write this blog about climate change and hay fever, I wonder if wiping off my computer that I’ve just sneezed all over due to my seasonal allergies counts as abiding by this […]

  • Does running cause arthritis?

    Does running cause arthritis?

    When I took up running in college, a friend of mine scoffed at the idea. He hated running and was convinced runners were “wearing out” their joints. He liked to say he was saving his knees for his old age. So, was he onto something? Does running really ruin your joints, as many people believe? […]

  • Considering collagen drinks and supplements?

    Considering collagen drinks and supplements?

    A tremendous buzz surrounds collagen drinks and supplements, as celebrities and influencers tout miraculous benefits for skin, hair, and nails. Since the collagen in our bodies provides crucial support for these tissues, it seems plausible that consuming collagen might lead to lush locks and a youthful glow. But what does the science say? What is […]

  • Prostate cancer in transgender women

    Prostate cancer in transgender women

    The transgender population is steadily increasing. Last year, investigators reported that 1.3% of people between the ages of 18 and 24 in the United States identify as transgender, compared to 0.55% of the country’s older adults. This trend has implications for public health, and one issue in particular concerns the risk of prostate cancer in […]

  • How does waiting on prostate cancer treatment affect survival?

    How does waiting on prostate cancer treatment affect survival?

    Prostate cancer progresses slowly, but for how long is it possible to put off treatment? Most newly diagnosed men have low-risk or favorable types of intermediate-risk prostate cancer that doctors can watch and treat only if the disease is found to be at higher risk of progression. This approach, called active surveillance, allows men to […]

  • Lead poisoning: What parents should know and do

    Lead poisoning: What parents should know and do

    You may have heard recent news reports about a company that knowingly sold defective lead testing machines that tested tens of thousands of children between 2013 and 2017. Or wondered about lead in tap water after the widely reported problems with lead-contaminated water in Flint, Michigan. Reports like these are reminders that parents need to […]

  • Does less TV time lower your risk for dementia?

    Does less TV time lower your risk for dementia?

    Be honest: just how much television are you watching? One study has estimated that half of American adults spend two to three hours each day watching television, with some watching as much as eight hours per day. Is time spent on TV a good thing or a bad thing? Let's look at some of the […]

  • Easy ways to shop for healthful, cost-conscious foods

    Easy ways to shop for healthful, cost-conscious foods

    Three months into the year is a good time to recalculate if you’ve been slacking on your resolution to eat healthy. And if you’ll be leaving home base or school soon and foraging for yourself (plus or minus roommates), it’s a great time to learn about healthy, low-cost choices for your grocery list. The basics: […]

  • Healthier planet, healthier people

    Healthier planet, healthier people

    Everything is connected. You’ve probably heard that before, but it bears repeating. Below are five ways to boost both your individual health and the health of our planet — a combination that environmentalists call co-benefits. How your health and planetary health intersect Back in 1970, Earth Day was founded as a day of awareness about […]

  • Preventable liver disease is rising: What you eat — and avoid — counts

    Preventable liver disease is rising: What you eat — and avoid — counts

    In today’s fast-paced world, our waking hours are filled with decisions — often surrounding what to eat. After a long day, dinner could well be fast food or takeout. While you may worry about the toll food choices take on your waistline or blood pressure, as a liver specialist, I also want to put fatty […]